Jan 9, 2023Liked by Rob Spiro

Excellent cet article. Inspirant et tellement motivant pour faire avancer l’innovation et la transformation des entreprises vers un futur différent. Posons nous en effet les bonne question, essayons surtout d’être moins anthropocentrés.

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Jan 8, 2023Liked by Rob Spiro

Happy New Year Rob! I love the Green Vortex vision, and I think what you're describing is related to "Jevon's Paradox" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jevons_paradox, which suggests that efficiency gains in energy (also all the climate proposals you're making) can counterintuitively lead to increased demand instead of reduction. Similar to how productivity gains in the 20th century led to us working longer hours and checking email on the weekends, how can we make sure that more clean energy doesn't lead to people buying bigger, higher-consumption devices to suck it all up? I like your point that this is less technological than political and philosophical; is anyone doing anything good in the latter space? Maybe some of the "nudging" that OhmConnect.com and FlumeWater.com do? Anyone in Europe pushing on lowering consumption? There are so many sensors available today, I'd be interested in exploring...

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Just a small POV note. I hope not to be wrong here, but I feel like crypto and web3 bubbles already exploded. Engineers and founders are understanding that the so much claimed 'limitless potential' of blockchain is nothing more like another cloud database. During 2022 (rough year I know) at least 73 crypto related companies did massive layoffs including the bankruptcy of almost 20% of those companies. Another fact is perceiving so much software engineers coming from crypto business into more stable business like e-commerce and energy in the case of my experience. I have always constantly upset about the empty promises that the crypto space has done, I remember 6 years ago feeling so ignorant about not understanding what was this hidden potential that I wasn't able to catch, which eventually was just fake propaganda.

Have a good 2023 Rob

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